
The secret lies in the belief that WE are the writer, director, and protagonist in our lives. Whether we want it or not - our mental focus possesses a creative power. Although we can't process the entirety of reality, focusing our attention on a certain aspect of life tends to reinforce it.

Here you can find, how we can help your organization to find and keep the right focus.


The secret lies in the belief that WE are the writer, director, and protagonist in our lives. Whether we want it or not - our mental focus possesses a creative power. Although we can't process the entirety of reality, focusing our attention on a certain aspect of life tends to reinforce it.
Here you can find, how we can help your organization to find and keep the right focus.

Personality assessment

We start our YAM™ Journey

Personality assessment


In recognition of outstanding professional achievements, one gets promoted and suddenly finds oneself having to deal with people - and increasingly more of them. As the importance of social competencies gradually surpasses that of technical skills, it becomes increasingly evident that in this regard, we have a lot to deal with not only with others but also with ourselves.

Our behavior fundamentally determines how others perceive us and the emotional relationship they develop with us.In essence, it's about HOW I come across to others!

This is something we generally cannot judge correctly, leading to a discrepancy between our self-image and the image others perceive. This sometimes deviates brutally from our intention. The "IMX Behavioral Index" measures a person's behavioral preferences, contributing to a deeper understanding and, consequently, more effective utilization.

How does an individual utilize their talents? What is their preferred behavioral style? When analyzing the four behavioral dimensions, a distinction is also made between the natural and the adaptive, adjusted behavioral style.

Personality assessment


In an environment where we can satisfy our passions, we are capable of peak performance! Commitment is not synonymous with motivation. Our motivation arises from our deepest values, whereas commitment is influenced by numerous external circumstances.

The "Motivation Index" measures the degree of seven motivators. It aims to identify and understand motivation factors, values, and drives to achieve improved alignment between performance, passion, and area of activity.

The underlying questions are: Why does a person utilize their traits and talents? What are the value-based attitudes? What drives, motivates, or ignites passion in a person?

The seven motivational dimensions considered in the "IMX Motivation Index" are:

  • Aesthetic
  • Economic
  • Individualistic
  • Political
  • Altruistic
  • Regulatory
  • Theoretical
Personality assessment

Behaviour + Motivation

Designed with business users in mind, the DISC Index will help your business to understand HOW your employees prefer to get things done, and the Values Index will give you insight into WHY they were motivated to do them.

The DISC+ profile is unique in that it:

  • Has the highest validity and reliability scores on the market today
  • Was the first values instrument to measure seven different dimensions of motivation
  • Uses a one‐of‐a‐kind click and drag interface for significantly greater accuracy and ease‐of‐use
  • It includes the Political dimension
  • Contains the most current instrument items for increased accuracy and reliability.
Personality assessment


As a corporation you have also the possibility to obtain the Platinum package for your leaders. This offer includes all the three levels of the IMX personality assessment.

Together they answer the questions WHAT?, WHY? and HOW?:

  • What natural talents do you have?
  • Why are you motivated to use them?
  • How do you prefer to use them?

Together they answer the questions WHAT?, WHY? and HOW?:
Self‐awareness and personal discovery are the keys to achieving peak performance in any leadership role. The combination of these three powerful assessment tools can enable a leader to discover transformational insight into their behaviour, their values and their personal motivators.

I'd like to take it

Here, you will find the special seminar and training services that we recommend for your company.

Our experts will identify any challenges in team dynamics and collaborate with you to design a bespoke development plan.

Team coaching

In the hands of an experienced and professional team coach, team analysis becomes an intelligent GPS device, linking the starting point and the destination with important measurable data and predictive validity. Along this journey, the coach guides the team in regularly hold sessions past obstacles until they achieve their goals.Team coaching offers numerous advantages, both for individual team members and for the organization as a whole. In essence, team coaching is an investment in the team's future. It addresses not only the current challenges but also equips the team with the tools and strategies they need to face future challenges successfully.

Here are some of the key benefits:
Improved Team Dynamics
Enhanced Team Performance
Increased Collaboration
Increased Engagement
Enhanced Adaptability
Better Decision Making
Better Decision Making
Talk to an expert

Fear begins in the mind. So does courage!

It's observed that the majority of people pursuing self-development consume a plethora of video materials and podcasts, read books on the topic, and attend various lectures and, less frequently, courses. Yet, the proportion of those who actually take action and go on to achieve their dreams and find success is surprisingly low. Our one or two-day retreat and challenge program is invigorating, enhancing mind-body connection with cutting-edge mental training techniques, mindfulness practices, and challenging tasks.

Over these exclusive two days, Maximilian guides you with a profound self-knowledge-based, state-of-the-art, and scientifically proven methodology, which so far has only been accessible to a select group of international top leaders and athletes. Via physically experienced impacts on your body and mind, you will trigger the change of old and deeply manifested fears, believes and wrong mechanisms.

This transformation will open new opportunities for your life. Your team will experience a life changing, unforgettable event, which bring the its members much closer to each others.This program is also available as an open program once a year for private persons. Register for more information.

I need this
Leadership development seminar

You Are More! -
Two-day leadership development seminar

Objective: This absolutely unique team-building initiative is designed to amplify both individual and collective awareness about strengths, shared values, and potential. The aim is to foster trust, streamline cooperation, and emphasize open, proactive communication within the team.

Key befenits: team members will gain clarity on individual and team talents and values.
Bolsters individual and collective awareness and instills a sense of trust.
A solidified team value system facilitates communication, cooperation, and operations, laying the foundation for mutual trust.
Leadership development seminar

Program Structure

  • Personal Profiling: Before the program, personality profiles have been completed. These profiles shed light on individual behavioral traits, motivational inclinations, and decision-making styles. These insights will inform our session discussions.
  • Team Dynamics Review: This engaging analysis offers a holistic view of the team's core attributes, pinpointing strengths, preferences, and optimal working conditions.
  • Enhanced Team Cooperation: We'll pinpoint shared norms and values, then highlight individual communication styles, fostering understanding and appreciation of diverse team personalities.
  • Driving Results & Business Goal Achievement: We'll assess individual talents and the team's collective prowess, spotlight potential decision-making blind spots, and craft a strategic blueprint aligned with departmental objectives. This roadmap will clarify strategy and challenges, with mutually agreed upon action steps.

Post-training: within ten days, each participant receives a personalized 30-minute online feedback session, ensuring comprehension and alignment with program goals.

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The International
Coaching Federation (ICF) reports

the following statistics on the benefits of executive & team coaching
Increase in Individual Performance
  • Goal attainment
  • Clearer communication
  • Higher satisfaction
Increase in Team Performance
  • Better conversations
  • Improved collaboration
  • Enhanced work performance
Increase in Organizational Performance
  • Increase in revenue
  • Increase in employee retention
  • Customers as advocate

Six pillars - Online self-development program

The 'Six Pillars of Life' scrutinizes those areas of our lives that are crucial for attaining happiness. While the pursuit of happiness guides every person in the world, very few actually achieve it.

True happiness comes when there's coherence in our mind, heart, and a healthy body.This program have one practical aim: to guide you back to the path you may have strayed from over the years under the pressure to conform and perform. Its purpose is to introduce you to your authentic self - that lovable and valuable individual you truly are!

This journey navigates through SIX areas, which Maximilian calls 'pillars’ due to their importance in maintaining solidity. There are periods in everyone's life when one, or perhaps several, of these bastions become unstable. The state of well-being can only be achieved when you manage to regain the lost balance.

During the online program participants learn different practical technics and methods, that help them to manage even unexpected life-challenges.

Key benefits: Ability to keep your life long-term in balance, enhanced self-believe and self-assurance, Ability to say NO, Enhanced resilience

Mental Health Mindfullness


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What is YAM in nutshell?

You are more! System is a leadership and organizational development method, that starts at the individuum and ends at the organizational level by using actual data and state-of-the-art mental psychological tools and methodologies. We are experts in personality psychology, diagnostics and development.

How can YAM support us as a company?

Our methodology is based in self-knowledge and knowing of others. This approach will establish a common language within your organization, facilitating smoother and more efficient collaboration and communication among colleagues. This will lay the foundation for a corporate culture rooted in mutual understanding.

How can YAM help me as a private person?

We support you by using our personality analysis to explore your talents, motivators and your preferred behavioral style so that you can pursue the career path that suits you - and reject the positions for which you would be the wrong choice. This way you will wake up happy and engaged again every morning. The validity of the analysis is so reliable and strong that you can build on it in the 5-10 years.

In which areas can I use the learnings of YAM in my daily life?

Self-knowledge in all aspects of life and work, Career management, Communication, Stress Management, Energy management, Long-term life planning, Collaboration with others, Personal development, Self-reflection

What is a personality profile?

A personality profile is a structured representation of an individual's behavioral and motivational characteristics, tendencies, and traits. It's often used in psychology, human resources, and personal development to understand an individual's typical ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Personality profiles can be derived from online questionnaires, assessments, or other tools designed to capture and analyze various aspects of an individual's personality. These profiles are often utilized for purposes such as personal development, career planning, or to determine job fit during recruitment processes.

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